Sunday, February 11, 2007

First Encounter

So I got a chance to use my にほんご this week. Well, sort of. My roommate’s friends came over from とうきょうto visit for a few days. Unfortunately, I already knew where they were from, so I couldn’t say 「とうきょうからきましたか」, and my roommate had already introduced us by name, so that ruled out 「おなまえわ」. I couldn’t very well ask 「なんさいですか」 since that seemed a tad inappropriate for a first-time meeting. I was pretty sure it would elicit a 「すみません、ちょっと…」 response anyway. In the end, all I could offer was a mere 「はじめまして」.

My hope is that by the next time my roommate has Japanese friends over, I’ll know enough to actually carry on a conversation. ☺☻☺☻


satoza said...

Oh.... Have you tried


The textbook is just more like a guideline. Whenever you would like to learn certain expressions, just tell me. I will teach you. :)

I am sure you can express more next time when you see him or her...

Unknown said...

こんにちは。TAのますや です。

せっかくならった ことばが つかえなくて ざんねん ですね。

つぎ、つかえると いいですね!

J Gott said...

yeah, I hear that. I started working with a kid from Japan, and I opened my mouth to say something polite, welcoming, and/or slightly intelligent, and NOTHING came out. Not even "きのうわたしわにほんごをべんきょしました。nothing. This process is going to take a while.